13 May 2008

150. Breastfeeding Mother Of 5-Month-Old Twins

I got on an elevator in a skyscraper. A man in a suit stepped onto the elevator with me. I pushed the button for the tenth floor. I turned and saw that the man in the suit was using a breast pump. I could not see the part that attached to him, just the tubing and the bottles that collect the milk. In the ten seconds that it took us to reach the tenth floor, he filled both 5 oz bottles. WOW! I thought admiringly. He is really productive! The man was Barack Obama.


Anonymous said...

I also had a dream, last night of Obama. He was painted gold, dressed as a pharoh, in a golden metal skirt walking around a store. He walks up to me and shakes my hand.

Pharoh's in a dream symbolize success, prestige, control,power and gold also symbolizes success.

Anonymous said...

There is coming the day when your dreams will be turned into nightmares when Barack HUSSEIN Obama turns this country into a communist country. It has started and continues to this day. He is a lying Muslim.

Imelda Turcotte said...

he will drain the motherland of resources...